juridic title*Abbazia*
type of monastery 72 nuns ,
155 lay oblates Congregationmonasterium monachorum extra Congregationes (eC)address Abbazia benedettina "Mater Ecclesiae"
Via Basilica, 5
28016 Orta San Giulio (NO)
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +39 0322 90156 +39 0322 90324
fax +39 0322 905842
email address isolasangiulioabbazia@gmail.com
Email of the webmasterinfo@benedettineisolasangiulio.org
code of closest major airport Malpe
closest major city Novara
Orta San Giulio
exitBorgomanero (0) (0)
patronale feastSan Giulio (31 gennaio)San Giulio