juridic titleAbbey
type of monastery 24 monks ,
25 lay oblates Congregationmonasterium monachorum extra Congregationes (eC)address Monastero di S. Paolo fuori le Mura
Via Ostiense 186
I-00146 Roma
GMT offsetGMT+01:00
Telephone The number in parenthesis to be skipped when calling from abroad. +39 065410341 +39 0645435574
fax +39 0645434185
website http://www.abbaziasanpaolo.net/
email address segreteria@abbaziasanpaolo.net
Email of the webmasterjohannes.paul@abbaziasanpaolo.net
code of closest major airport FCO
closest major city Roma
Roma Ostiense
Underground / SubwayS. Paolo, Metro "B"
exitG.R.A. exit 26 (0) (0)
other pastoral activitiesliturgy and multilingual confession in the Patriarchal Basilica
performances pellegrini in concerto http://www.abbaziasanpaolo.net/pic.it.htm
patronale feastSS. Pietro e Paolo (29/6) & Conversione di S. Paolo (25/25)
Benedictine monks have served the Patriarchal Basilica for more than 1,300 years, and in recent months have been supplemented by new members. They are presently building up their spiritual and pastoral presence in the Basilica, as well as preparing for the ecumenical task entrusted to them by the Holy Father. As the traditional custodians of the shrine of St Paul, the Apostle of the gentiles, they seek to live by his example: in Christ and with a constant care for the needs of all the churches.